Patient Eligibility Tool
SCS is an option for the treatment of neuropathic pain as per NICE Guidance and has been delivered at the Manchester and Salford Pain Centre for over 30 years. SCS is delivered within an interdisciplinary biopsychosocial framework at the Manchester and Salford Pain Centre. Patients are assessed by a doctor, clinical psychologist and specialist nurse prior to implantation and receive post-implant routine physiotherapy and long-term follow up in addition to pain management/rehabilitation input if required.
You've selected
Salford Pain Centre
Open to referrals - 13-18 weeks
Fill out the patient eligiblity questionnaire below
You will receive an email with the outcome of the questionnaire in a PDF
You can then send the PDF to that centre to get your patient referred

Explaining Pain Part 1

Explaining Pain Part 2

Role of Doctors - Medicines Management in Chronic Pain

SCS Information Guide (NCA)